Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter Fourteen - The Resurection

He could smell the dreary, gray rain long before it's dampness slowly snaked down into the black soil of this dark, earthy hiding place.  Bill had remained here, safely hidden, for two days and a night.  Now darkness was approaching once again and his hunger and need to free himself from this silent, dark grave came upon him with a fierceness.  During the painfully long previous night, Bill had comforted himself with the thought that he lay buried below this rich Louisana soil of Bon Temps near his beloved family that he had never stopped missing.  Their bodies had long ago returned to the dust from whence they came, but it was almost as if he was finally where he belonged.  Then his thoughts returned to the one who had brought life back into his heart.  Thinking of Sookie, remembering that wonderful night when she came to him, yearning for the experience of fully consumated love and willingly giving of her life's blood to him brought to his soul a deep contentment and overwhelming need to see her.  

Bill began to stir, began to bring his senses into full alertness.  He stopped for a moment.  There, he could hear footsteps.  Someone was walking, walking very close.  And sobs, Bill could hear the sobs of someone who's heart was so full of sadness and grief.  Then, as his sense of smell became fully awakened and his nostrils picked up her very distinctive fragrance,  he realized who's grieving sobs he heard.  It was his Sookie.  He could feel such a deep sadness pouring from her soul as if her heart was broken.  She was sad.  So, so sad.   He began to claw his way up from this darkness, reaching up into the damp night air with one arm.  He could sense that she was very close, he could feel and smell the heat of her body radiating to him.  He felt his hand close around her ankle and he heard her scream in fright.  He climbed faster, struggling to bring himself out of this damp tomb.  "Sookie, Sookie, it's me", he heard himself say.  

Bill's desperate hunger and overpowering need to feel Sookie's body joined with his once again made their coupling an animalistic mating.  She was so happy to see him, to know that he was alright, that she awakened not only in Bill, but in herself the desperate sexual need to feel him inside her body. For feeling the pain that such a violent couplings brought also brought the reassurrance that yes, it was Bill and he was alright.  As Bill thrust himself into her body, he frantically lowered his fangs, desperate for the strength and taste of her blood, fiercely needing to slake his intense hunger.  No, not her neck.  Like a newborn babe instinctively seeks out the source of it's comfort and nourishment, Bill quickly found a rich, satisfying source of this life's blood that he not only loved the taste of, but needed to satisfy that part of him which he hated more than anything, this thing that shamed him.  His raging hunger sated, he felt Sookie wrap her legs around him as she urged him on with wild abandon and the need to release that feeling of pleasure that made the outside world cease to exist.

Their lovemaking over, they both lay there in this damp night air, staring at the scattering of dark clouds that were quickly moving, allowing the crescent moon to show it's tiny form.  Sookie could not contain her joy and relief at the sight and feel of him.  She kept touching him, as if she thought she surely must be dreaming as she told him of the fate that had befallen Malcom, Diane, Liam and someone as yet unidentified and how sure she was that he was the fourth victim.  Bill held her to his chest and stroked her beautiful, golden hair as he felt his heart swell to almost bursting with love for this wonderful girl.  He was quite contrite after he had pulled himself from inside her.  Had he hurt her?  He also was worried that his frenzied feeding would leave her arm sore and bruised.  Over and over she reassured him.  But they couldn't stay out here all night.  Sookie was covered in dirt and getting cold.  Not to mention the fact that he was naked and completely covered in damp dirt as well.  Bill gently picked her up in his strong arms and began to walk home.  As the warm water of the shower nozzle began to wash some of the chill and dirt from their bodies, Bill took the shampoo bottle and began to gently wash the soil from Sookie's hair.  He loved doing this.  The feel of her silky hair in his hands as he felt the heat from her scalp radiating down through his cool fingers began to stir in him feelings better left for another time.  Although Sookie kept up reassurances that she wasn't hurt, Bill knew better.   Later, after drying and brushing her hair, they both crawled into Bill's comfortable bed.  Even though he was vampire and had no real need of a bed, he often enjoyed stretching out in comfort as he indulged in the pleasure of a good book or good music while waiting for dawn to come.  Sookie kept reaching up, touching his face, as if she again needed reassurance that he was really here with her.  Yes, he was really here.  And here he would stay by her side until dawn, never taking his eyes from her sleeping face as he watched her gentle breaths as she slept.  



  1. Your writing is great! I can't wait to read more! For even more True Blood stuff and general vampire musings you should check out :)

  2. Thanks Devon! Glad to see you here. I was just over on your vampirenerd site. I can't wait to read all of it. I can see you've spent a great deal of time on it. Looks for my responses over there! (I know you just cannot wait)

  3. ShivermeBILL, that's GF! You're always so nice to respond to these chapters. I appreciate it.

  4. So, I went all the way back to the beginning and had a relaxing Sunday afternoon just laying on my couch and reading your awesome stories. I love this site, and I hope you keep writing these! Since the show is an ensemble thing, and the books are really just Sookie's perspective, you provide us with something we're truly hungry for -- Bill's perspective, insight into his thoughts and actions. I'm just curious to know: are you basing your entries on the books and the show, or just the show?

  5. Hey Devon. Glad you enjoyed my stories about our favorite vampire, Bill Compton. I did read the books, so naturally some of his character and background came from them. But there really wasn't a whole lot in the books beyond the first three that gave me much insight into this fascinating man and I didn't especially like him in the books. Bill just dominated the show to such an degree that I just wanted to know how he thought, how he felt, and especially what his life was like, not only after being turned, but all his life experiences before that. I like to know what's in his head, more than I do Sookie.
